domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland

     That's the full english name of United Kingdom (this one is shorter than the other). The United Kingdom is a sovereing state, which is situated to the northwest coast of Europe.

      The area is made up of Great Britain Island, the Northeastern of Ireland and many closer Islands.

     The United Kingdom is a unitary state, there are four countries that belong to United Kingdom: England, Norther Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

      The four countries have a constitutional monarchy, the Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II.

      England, the country we are going to study, is situated in the South of the Island of Great Britain, share land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west.

Specific Address / General Address

50º46'48"N 01º50'33"O

Flat 15, Dalkeith House
2 Dalkeith Steps,
Old Christchurch Road.
BH1 1EZ, Bournemouth,

      This place is two hours and a half by bus from London. It is situated in the main road of the city, if you want to enjoy the beach you just have to walk five minutes from this place. The beach has almost eight kilometres of white sand.

Area of the country

The area of the country is 244,100 km2 .

In this area they have 12,429 Km2 which are coast.

Population of the country

      In The United Kingdom is living a lot of people 61,383,000 (in 2008). England's population in mid-2008 was estimated to be 51,44 million. Most of them are living in London, which has 7,172,091 of population, the second biggest one is Birminghan which has 970,892 people living there, and the third one is Glasgow with 629,501 people.

Capital City

Our capital city is London.

English people is . . .

      Everybody knows that English people is very polite, they use too many times please, thank you and even sorry!!

It is usual to think they are very serious, and some times not really friendly people, but you have to know them, some of them can be really nice with you.

      They are from a really cosmopolitan country, everybody thinks they have a very weird humour because it is too difficult to understand their jokes.

      Most of them think they do not have to learn another language, because the rest of the world is speaking english for them.

Usually when they are young they drink too much but sometimes they do it even being adults.
      If they come to our city on holidays you could recognize them very easy, they are going to get pink skin because they are not accustomed to have high beam sun.

      If the english is a man you are going to recognize him because is going to wear sandals with socks.